Sunday, September 29, 2013

14. When Can You Be Sure of Being Right?

Sometimes, you wonder whether you are right. This happens especially during the times that you have to take a decision. Is there a reliable indicator to show that you are right?

'Being right' can be used in 2 senses, being right about a fact, as when you are answering a quiz or being right 'in tune with your values, likes and expectations,' as when you buy an article, join a course, choose a life partner etc. 

Let us consider the second situation. It's the one for which there will be no answer key to check with. You will know what you have done is right only much later, when you experience the consequence of your decision.

A simple rule to follow is to observe the state of your mind. Is your mind calm when you take a decision? Then, your decision is likely to be correct. If you are euphoric, disturbed, worried, agitated, grieving or depressed, avoid taking a decision. Even if there is a time pressure, postpone the decision to the extent possible.

The mind is never right but when it is at peace with itself.  - Seneca

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