Monday, September 30, 2013

15. How to Connect with People?

How to connect with people? To find an answer to this question, think of how you got connected with people who are close to you now. 

You are likely to find that in many cases, you were brought together in an emotional moment. It could have been a time when either or both of you were experiencing a grief, disappointment, frustration, astonishment, excitement or ecstasy. When one was experiencing a difficult emotion, the other reached out to them or the both together were sharing a moment of excitement or ecstasy.

Can you take a cue from the past? If you want to connect with someone, just find out how you can touch the other person emotionally. Understand what their feelings are there and find a way to empathize with them. You will then find yourself connected to the other person without even making an effort.

This idea is not confined only to personal relationships but to professional relationships as well. A boss who understands empathizes with the problems of his subordinates will be able to connect to them, even if he couldn't solve their problems.

Even parents can connect with their children only when they understand what the children want and feel. Many problems parents face with their children can be overcome if they try to themselves with the feelings of their children and let the children know that their parents understand them even if there were to be differences in thinking.

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies. -    Blair Warren

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