Friday, January 17, 2014

When you feel defeated?

How often do we feel defeated?

'Quite often' will be your answer, if you are like me.

It is alright to feel defeated but the feeling should not be allowed to stay for long.

In olden days, when news was received through letters, there would be some letters carrying good news and some carrying bad news. Many people had the habit of preserving all the letters received because they might need them for reference sometime in future. But people who are sentimental would destroy all letters that carried bad news.

The feeling of having been defeated should be instantly disposed of like the letters carrying bad news.
Getting defeated is a reality. It can't be wished away. But the negative feelings associated with that should not be allowed to stay.

When a boy falls down, he will get up and first dust off the dirt from his body. The injury will be there and so will be the pain. These will go eventually. But the dirt has to be cleaned off. It can't be allowed to stick to the body.

What you have lost is a reality. The damage caused by the defeat is real. But you don't have to live with the feeling of having been defeated. We should focus on our next move just a person falling down would focus on getting his injury healed.

Remember this when you feel defeated the next time. Shrug off the negative feelings like a person falling down will shrug off the dirt that has stuck to him from the fall.

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