Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What If you don't read this....

'What if...?' can be a powerful approach to creativity. By asking questions on hypothetical situations, the human race has progressed so well.

The question 'what if man can fly as a bird does?' led to the invention of the aeroplane.

By raising hypothetical possibilities, we can transform our lives.

'What if I can earn an additional $5000 per month' is a question that will stimulate your thinking by taking you to the next question 'how?' However, the 'how' should be a probing question, not a skeptical tag.

Keep generating 'what if...' questions everyday on various aspects of your life. Start with simple things. For example, ask, 'what if I can get up at 5 am?' If you are used to getting up only at 7 am, this question opens up the possibility of giving you two more hours everyday. If you can find some productive ways of using these two additional hours, you can see a transformation in your life.

I myself got u early today and used the extra hours generated to write this post.

Once you see success by applying the 'what if..' tag to simple things, you can extend your probe into more exciting and more challenging tasks.

What if this approach is going to bring you the level of success you had never dreamed possible?

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