Monday, November 18, 2013

Be only the Best

Do you want to be the best at all places and in all situations? Who doesn't? But how many of us know how to be the best? Without knowing what we should do to become the best, we often lament 'I tried my best' when we find that being the best turns out to be a mirage every time.

But being the best doesn't have to be difficult. It may appear that to become the best, you have to compete with others. Competition is a game that anyone can play and you can't expect to be the winner always. There is a better way to be the best. It is a way less traveled and you will not have many people competing with you. Many times, you may be the only person traversing this path!

Do you know the story of Maverick. People in a village decided to brand their cattle with their initials or other identity tags. Everyone was breaking his head as to how to make his cattle distinct and stand out from the crowd so that they can quickly and easily identify it - everyone except Maverick! When all the branded animals were paraded for display, Maverick's cattle stood out. When everybody's animals were branded, Maverick's were not branded. This made them stand out from others. Maverick became the best by choosing to do nothing when everyone was frantically doing things to showcase their animals with a distinct brand.

By doing things differently, Maverick has also contributed a new word 'maverick' to the English language. As you may know, maverick refers to a person who does things in an unconventional, creative way.

Here are some suggestions for being different and becoming the best.

The first to say sorry is the bravest.
The first to forgive is the strongest.
The first to forget is the happiest.

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