Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2. Will little drops make an ocean?

Will little drops make an ocean?

The answer is Yes and No. Yes, because an ocean is made of many small drops. No, because building up an ocean with water drops is like adding small numbers like 1 to make infinity.

But the fact remains that an ocean comes into being only by accumulation of water and not at one stroke.

Creating an ocean is a monumental task. The task may look formidable and even impossible.

If you are asked to create an ocean, you may feel overwhelmed by the enormousness of the task and may decide to give up even without trying.

But if you start working on the task with whatever quantity of water you can accumulate at the beginning, you will soon find the ocean beginning to develop into its full form.

Do all these sound too simple?

Yes, the idea is very simple. But the question is: Will you implement the idea?

It is human nature to neglect simple things and be daunted by complicated things.

Think of a difficult task you have been procrastinating on. Find out the real reason behind the procrastination.

If you realize that the procrastination is because you find the task too difficult, break the task into a number of smaller tasks. Do just one small task immediately. Resolve to continue doing this till the task is finished.

Recall the well known saying of Confucius:

A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step!

Decide what the single (first) step is going to be.

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